More new work: Chapel Gallery and Rarities

I’ve been continuing with my drawings based on randomly tearing pages into pieces and then re-drawings their outlines onto another page. This time, i’ve gone with a page format of 4:3, due to my response to the latest magnet exhibition on Hastings & St Leonards Pier organised by Alban Low.

I’ve participated in these exhibitions before in Nottingham and Brighton, and they are an excellent way to get reproductions of artwork out to a wider audience, so i’m looking forward to the next one, which takes place at the end of August.

I have mounted one of the original drawings onto wood, and have had that accepted into the West Lancashire Open exhibition, which opens Friday 1 July until 14 September 2011. It’s a tiny piece (5cm x 6.6cm) so you might have to hunt for it at the Chapel Gallery, Ormskirk.

West Lancashire Open Exhibition 2011
Chapel Gallery, Ormskirk
16 July – 14 September
Tues-Sun 10-4.30

Rarities 2011

Coastal Currents Festival
27th August 2011
Hastings & St Leonards